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Application form for study program in English



Dear candidate,

This is an application form for the study program Pharmacy (in English) at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Zagreb.

Please fill in all the information and submit the required documents according to the instructions provided on our website -

All requested information and required documents must be completed and submitted before confirming and sending the materials by clicking the “Submit your questionnare” option at the bottom of the form.

We kindly ask that you complete and submit the application documentation using a computer or laptop rather than a mobile or smartphone.

Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please feel free to contact us via email at:

Best regards,
Student Office
Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry
University of Zagreb


Translation of the words in green rectangle in English:
Sljedeće = Next
Prenesite datoteku = Upload file
Pošalji = Submit

There are 12 questions in this questionnaire.

U ovom upitniku postoji 12 pitanja.